Sunday, November 18, 2012

Another visit with Sunday

My kids made it almost all the way through sacrament meeting IN the meeting. I'm not really sure how it happened. I tried to plan snacks and quiet toys but it's not like I haven't tried that before. It was the primary program today so I talked that up and wanted Rayne to see the kids but she didn't seem much interested once it started so I don't know that that made any difference. Whatever it was, yea! Perhaps we've made some progress or maybe it was just a random week.
Nursery went well too. I had planned and even talked to Rayne about going to Mommy's class. Even once we got there, she said she wanted to go to my class. But no one was there to leave Caius with (I'm still having a hard time with that idea anyway) until right when meetings start. Because I'm often there helping, people kind of looked at me like they expected me to be there and by then Rayne was playing and didn't want to leave. I told her we could if she wanted to. At one point when she seemed to be getting flustered, I asked if we needed to take a walk so she could catch her breath but she didn't want to leave her toys and that seemed to calm her down.
The day at home was nice too. It doesn't seem very Sunday like but I did spend the morning cleaning up which I actually think helped my mood. Not just the clean house but doing something productive. Also, as bad as this sounds, working helps me have my thoughts rather than just focusing on what the kids are doing/wanting/saying. It took me several attempts and somehow finally agreeing with Rayne that we could just stay home all day before I could get in the shower. By the time I came out, I asked if she had changed her mind and wanted to go to church and she said yes. She wore a new dress and felt like a princess. Caius looked adorable in his preppy striped shirt and corduroy pants.
We all came home hungry and got a bit fussy and the dinner took too long to cook and I was the only one that wanted to eat it and it wasn't a perfect day, but still, I feel like Sundays are getting back to what they should be. Or maybe I'm figuring out what they should be. Let's hope so anyway.

Things I may have learned:
Don't try to MAKE the day, ENJOY the day.
Food is a big part of the day. Snacks at church and maybe with late meetings even a throw it in the oven dinner takes too long after church. Have a big meal, perhaps brunch?, before church and come home to sandwiches and snacky type food. Of course once I figure this one out, we'll be back at 9 a.m. meetings!
I would like to make it a bit more reverent somehow. I've decided the kids are just a bit little for this, but there must be things I can do... music, books, different shows to watch than what they watch everyday?

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