Saturday, October 12, 2013

My Hippie Ways

1. I believe kids are messy & loud.
Unless absolutely necessary, they should not be told to stop it.

2. Use what you have. Love what you have.
"Hand me downs" are a blessing.

3. Shopping (wanting and acquiring) is not a sport or a recreational activity.

4. Every time you eat or drink, you can, and should, nourish your body and soul.

5. Simple and practical = beautiful.

6. Learning, doing, being.

Goals from Conference

* Teach my children the gospel (family home evening, prayers, more diligent church attendance)
    Pray for my husband

*Help Rayne to use her big, loud energy to be happy/ do fun, neat, things

*Protect and nurture Caius' gentle, sweet spirit

*Nourish my spirit and prepare for the temple


As I watched my children run back and forth between the weed growing in the sidewalk crack from which they were plucking leaves and the puddle in the gutter, I had to ask myself if this is really my great calling in life. Recently inspired by General Conference, I've recommitted myself to being a stay at home mom, not that it was ever in question but I regained some perspective and set some goals. But as I stood there, I wondered, in the big grand scheme of things with all that goes on in the world and even the War in Heaven, is THIS really so important? Would it even matter if I was there? Couldn't it be anyone standing there?

The thought entered my mind "the worth of a soul is great."

In an article about dealing with stress I recently read in a parenting magazine, it said that what your family needs more than anything from you is just your presence. I also remembered growing up in a ward with very few kids my age. I sat through many, many Sunday school lessons about fellowship and helping less active members to come out to church. It wasn't really that there were kids that needed activation so much as, I felt, teachers who didn't feel like it was worth their time to teach just one or two of us. How great in my experience are those that DID take the time to care and befriend and teach me.

Is it true, that I am caring for these souls? Is my love as a mother, that I know is greater than anyone else could feel for them, really so important that it does matter that I am the one standing with them? As I encouraged them and laughed with them as they floated leaves in the puddle and told me how they were helping them get water, I wondered if anyone else would even care about their endeavors. Isn't THAT worth something?

I could never look at these two beautiful little people and say they are not worth it. I suppose that the question is in believing that I am worth it to them.
I have to believe that I am.