Sunday, February 23, 2014

Re: my last post on food

What I was hoping to get to in my last post is basically, I think I ride a pendulum and perhaps it doesn't have to be all or nothing.
Sometimes I think if I was a strong, "good" mom, I would feed my kids healthy stuff and not give them any other options and they would learn to like it. When that fails, I swing the other way and give up and they end up eating junk food all day. But let's face it, my kids will never eat oatmeal for breakfast. But I can! And that doesn't mean they have to live on Cap'n Crunch or Eggo waffles soaked in syrup. They WILL eat Cheerios, Rice Krispies and Wheat Chex. So, some may argue that those are processed and really not very healthy choices and I'll worry because I could be doing better, but you know what? They aren't BAD choices. Even the waffles or sugary cereals aren't always SO bad.
Which brings me to my next point. I try way too hard to get everything exactly perfect. I read things and no matter what I think is healthy, someone somewhere says something different. Well, I give up! I give up listening to all that. Even the stuff I think I might agree with. Okay, maybe I'll try to do better or incorporate that kind of thing (eating only organic food for example) but the reality is, it doesn't always work (it's expensive, the kids won't eat it etc) and that's not BAD.
A while back I read some very motivational books my mom loaned me on how kids eat in France. According to these sources, there is such a culture behind food and good eating, that kids just grow up in it and they are so much healthier. I was so inspired, again not to be perfect, but I was going to stick to some definite rules. I always think we should be on a schedule and sit down to our meals and snacks and eat what is given to us. I'm not completely willing to give up on this yet.
My little Rayne girl does not really do well with this. I keep thinking if I limit snacks and juice between meals, she will do better. But it doesn't really seem to make much difference. If I honestly look at her and what works and when she eats the best, it's if I give her things frequently throughout the day. She'll eat a bit of cereal for breakfast. Then after an hour or two, she'll eat some cheese. Then for lunch, she'll never eat a sandwich, but she will eat bread and/or lunch meat and/or fruit and/or some carrots. In the afternoon, she'll eat some yogurt. Dinner I would like to stay a bit more formal about. Wait, I'm not formal. I'd like to be? Well anyway, I always end up making more than one thing. I don't think this is good. But maybe it really is okay if she has her whole grain spaghetti every night. Maybe dinner is the time to set some rules and expectations. I'll have to think more on this one. And I think they do need a bed time snack. Especially when we often have an early dinner. But, once I clean up the kitchen, I do NOT need to start all over with snacks and special orders. They can simply have some pudding or a healthy cookie and some milk or something not messy or a big deal.
See, when I can think and "plan," I feel like I can give and demand both a little better. I c an have my plans and ideas about it all but still give to what works for them.
I think. We'll see how it goes. And, there is still the problem of Daddy and his frozen pizza and corn dogs. But he is not entirely stubborn so I'll think some more on that as well.
Wish me luck!

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