Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Food: My Final Answer?

The answer is the Word of Wisdom.

Of course it is. I've always known that and I actually think a lot about it when I'm talking about food and what I should be feeding my family.

I've never really been bothered by what we shouldn't have. The closest I've been to even temptation is that I think coffee smells good and it would be nice to have a soothing hot drink in the morning. Oh, and when I was pregnant the first time and working and so sick all the time, I would stand by the coffee pot in the office because the smell would purge any other smells or bad tastes in my mouth and help calm my nausea.

But, I've always been concerned about what we should be eating. It's bothered me that we avoid the "bad" stuff, but I've never really had lessons about what the good stuff is and what it means. I'm kind of a stickler for rules. I feel like an authority has to tell me what it means so I know for sure and I don't really trust my own instincts, thoughts, or feelings about things. We all know that's not right!
So today I had the thought, then later read someone saying it better than I could, if our body is a temple and you have to have a recommend to go into the temple, then what we put into our bodies should have to be worthy to enter. 

I read the Word of Wisdom this morning and it is what I've always thought. Fruits, vegetables, grains. Meat should be eaten sparingly. I don't know what this means about dairy, eggs and fish. But really, there is no need for an authority to tell me what or how. It's right there!!!

So now the question becomes, how do I get my family to eat this way? I really think my Rayne girl would let herself starve rather than eat something she thinks she doesn't like. Jeff, I'm pretty sure, will think he's starving if he doesn't have his convenience food. He actually told me the other day that vegetables aren't food when I was hungry not long after dinner because I had filled up on vegetables and not much meat.

There is also the question of canned food not being as good as fresh (some people think it's not worth anything! But I'm not so sure I agree). And all this talk about wheat being altered so it's not good for us anymore when right there not only does it say grain is the staff of life but that wheat is for man.

But it's a start. I think I need to quit reading all the other stuff that's out there. At least for a while so my brain settles. True or not, there is just so much fear in a lot of it, I don't think it's worth reading.

Fruits, vegetables and grains. Focus on that for now. That is enough.


  1. I read all your posts and I think you are getting somewhere. One problem might be that we just have too much to choose from. For us, we could have Oatmeal everynight for supper and be much healthier than we are now. And we really like it. I'm always thinking there should be something kinda' fabulous and different than everything we've ever had before. That's really just too much to accomplish, don't you think ??? The three of us here so badly need to eat better. But there are so many problems to address everyday. Maybe if things could be simple, the problem would solve itself. Let's keep working on it.
