Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Rayne's 1st Joke

Rayne has been doing more things lately that make other people laugh or, more importantly, that make her laugh. She's also been doing a few things that are more like pretending- making her toys go to sleep and wake up for example. I don't know when kids learn to do these things, but it's a fun development to see in her little mind.

One of Rayne's favorite things to do is look for toe jam. She discovered it one day and said "what is that?" So I told her. Ever since, whenever we take off her socks or footsie jammies, she looks for toe jam. Because of what I say when she makes me look, she often says "ew, look at that one."

Today while looking for toe jam, she handed me her foot wanting me to look and said, without any hints etc, "peanut butter in there!" I couldn't stop laughing. I've tried to say "jelly" when I'm talking about what's on her toast so as not to confuse things. I'm not sure where she made the connection, but it sure was funny.

1 comment:

  1. I love it. That is hilarious!!! I read it just now..this morning..and laughed outloud. So Dad had me read it to him. Your little girl is brilliant!!!!! Are you going to post this on facebook???
