Thursday, November 6, 2014

What is school?

I've been reading a lot about homeschooling. Because that's what I do. I gather information and try to look at all possibilities in order to figure out my own. Plus, even though we aren't technically homeschooling, we are schooling at home and I like getting ideas for how to structure things etc.
One article I read recently suggested that curriculum isn't the first thing you need to consider when doing home school. First you should decide your philosophies and values and why you are doing education this way. I thought this was great advice. I am needing now to evaluate why we are doing this and what I believe and want it to be. Forget the school for a while and look inside my head.

So, brainstorm...

I always imagined I wanted to teach my children everything! Art, philosophy, math, science, literature, music, history, religion. Good books must surround us!
Art- the space to create and appreciation of beauty
I want them to THINK! I took a really hard philosophy class in college. I didn't understand much. I want to learn it all and read it all again. I want my children to have that challenge. Just considering and thinking about ideas and what it means to know or learn or what existence is about.
They should be writers. For pleasure and telling stories. For expressing ideas and making a logical statement. For self expression, an outlet for thoughts and feelings.
History and science and math should be fun and hands on and relatable. They should know it's okay to try something just to see if or how it works. It's okay to make a mistake and figure it out.
I want them to love learning and school should be a positive thing. I believe in education. I believe in being smart. I love to learn! I love to read! I love to do! I want them to have that too.

One of my first reactions to this latest stuff with Rayne's school is that I wish I could just send her to school and it would all be positive. I have a feeling that things are not working out with this school and a change is coming.
I have since felt a lot of peace thinking perhaps we will just straight homeschool her. My understanding is there isn't much structure to homeschool and it's up to the parents to figure it all out. This is daunting and I didn't want to be so "weird" like that. I'm afraid of not teaching her all she needs to know. But in reading about it, I keep imagining what it could be. And in all honesty, I don't think she's ready for regular school. I don't know if overcoming those challenges would be positive right now or if they would just defeat us and set her up forever to hate school and be afraid. But if I just kept her home with me and taught her to read and write and play with numbers and do some art and science projects... we could do lessons about manners and home and friends and our spiritual beliefs. I could just hold her and read to her and she'd be okay. She'd be happy and smart. I really am feeling this. Is it right?
And Caius could be more a part of it and he'd learn right along with her and feel included and secure.

I want to read to my babies.

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