Friday, November 21, 2014

Deep breath- school decision

I have considered this last week a time of transition. I am quite happy with my process of deciding about Rayne's school. While it was very emotionally and mentally all encompassing for me, I really didn't freak out and stress in my typical decision making way. I didn't go searching everyone else's opinions in order to "figure out" what was right.
I gave myself time to feel. I prayed. I read a lot of different things just to get a picture in my mind of our options. I listened to my feelings. I discussed MY thoughts and feelings with people I felt mattered. And I let myself know what I thought and felt.
I breathed.
And then I knew.

Our final decision is to officially homeschool Rayne. Well, not officially. It turns out you don't even have to send a 5 year old to kindergarten legally in our state. So, we're not even going to bother with making it "official." What I mean by official is that we will be withdrawing from the online school, not sending her to a brick and mortar school, and taking this on all ourselves.
While this may not look like a change to anyone else, for me it is a big change. Daunting at first, I have found a lot of ideas and am actually feeling excited about teaching my children in a more formal, yet still home, way.
And, I keep reminding myself, it's only kindergarten. I think if she learns to read, write, and do some arithmetic, she'll be okay. I intend to really work on the behavior as well. I'm not completely sure what all that entails at this point (perhaps we should go back to therapy) but I have some plans in place for some first little steps. So far a couple serious time outs for hitting given by mom, who is seen as the weaker parent, have already seemed to make a big difference.

And so I continue to breathe.

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