Sunday, May 22, 2011

Invisible no more

In a rare moment of clarity, it suddenly became very clear in my mind how wrong it would be for a child to have an invisible mother. I don't mean invisible like she's not there taking care of them. I mean my children need to have their mother at her fullest and complete self. They need to see who I am- my education, my talents, my interests, my style, even what I find important enough or pretty enough to hang on the wall. If they don't have that, how will they know who they are? What they stand for or are made from?

1 comment:

  1. I could weep with joy over this discovery and revelation to you. This is so true. I think it has been a lot of the problem that I have bequeathed to my own children. But, it is cause for celebration.... bless you JoAnna.....bless you!!!
