Sunday, April 14, 2013

Me Love

I'm wanting to post about something that I am admittedly shy to talk about. So as I often do, I'm starting my blog with an apology. As if I'm sorry to make you read about this? If you don't want to, you won't be here right? ...

Mom, Khrystine and I have all posted previously about Dressing Your Truth by Carol Tuttle, or Energy Profiling. In my own words, the idea is that there are four basic building blocks of life, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon. Each of these elements are what we are made of and we each "lead" with a dominant energy type. You can find more at

Mom and Khrystine recently went to another presentation by Carol Tuttle and got excited about this stuff again. So, I pulled out my book and started reading again. It was so obvious this time around which type I am. I figured it out before but of course had to look at all the possibilities. And, I mostly wanted to read about Mom and Khrystine's type (they are the same). As I read about them, I felt overwhelmingly sure that this type is also my little Rayne girl. So many things explained about her! It made me excited.

Carol Tuttle also has a book out called The Child Whisperer. I was able to get this book and have been devouring it. As I've before posted, I have been taking my little girl to therapy for anxiety. To be honest, I have often been left feeling like it's all my fault, there's this huge problem here, and then nothing really gets better. When I started taking Zoloft, things did improve I think. And then I read about this energy stuff and I no longer see or feel that there's something wrong with her. We have issues. But it has really helped me to understand her basic nature and how she sees things. I'm left feeling empowered to respect and honor her rather than that I have to fix her and make her better. It's SUCH an improvement.

Part of energy profiling, at least from the Dressing your Truth angle, is about wearing colors, textures, styles that fit with your energy. Perhaps it sounds either superficial or a bit too "out there" to be true. But I think it is. As I've started to incorporate these things into how I dress, I feel a calmness about myself I've been looking for for a long time. I DO feel like MY energy, what I'm made of, is flowing as it has always been intended to.
I've also tried to be more aware of Rayne's colors. She has, before this, insisted that she hates light colors and likes dark colors. And, she's right! I feel like as I've tried to dress her with this in mind, I feel like she is calmer and happier. She talks about "my colors" and I now have a way of talking to her about her inner qualities as well. It helps SO much!

It was suggested when I started this that I take before and after pictures of myself and my closet. I've tried to do this. I'm not a photographer and I find it harder than heck to take a good self portrait. But I tried. I'm a bit reluctant to share. But here is my before closet:
I picked this picture to share because it's up close of the colors and patterns of my clothes.
And this is so far my after closet:
Again, not very great pictures, but I think you can tell there is a different energy or flow. The colors are more blended and calm. It's not a scattered bunch of stuff, which is a good way to describe how I've felt inside. I've been a bit of a scattered mess for a while. Or worse, I've been something hidden in the mess. By trying to do this, I have been calmed. I feel peace. I feel connected to myself. My clothes, my closet, are starting to show this.

I should note too that I'm poor and don't have much money to invest in new clothes etc. Most of what you see are things that I already had. I've put them together in a better way. I've pulled out things I loved but didn't know how to wear.

And now for before pictures. This first one, I think Rayne took. This was a pretty typical day. My hair was kind of done. I'm wearing comfortable clothes. Little or no make-up.

This one I tried to take of myself. I'm outside with too much sun. But I know on this day, I tried to do my hair. I think I may even have make-up on as I would normally do it. The colors I'm wearing are pretty typical.
And some after shots. Or, I like to call them, work-in-progress shots. Trying to see some color, some accessories, figuring out what to do with my hair.

I'm really not so self absorbed. I'm just very excited to feel good about myself. And I'm extremely excited to have some insight to my children and other people I care about. Being at peace with myself is definitely extending to other people as well.


  1. You look so beautiful, JoAnna! I love your clothes, outfits, accessories, hair, and make-up! You look like you-cool, calm, comfortable, approachable, cool! I am proud to know you and am happy you are finding more understanding and happiness!

  2. Cool stuff going on. I know I don't often comment, but just letting you know I'm out here. That second picture of you reminds me of you in high school for some reason. And that last picture of you, I think I almost didn't recognize you! I think it's just cuz the hair is so different from the above pics, it's like suddenly looking at a new person. I can totally tell it's you, but when I looked at the pics in order, it was almost like, "Is that JoAnna?" It's amazing that a person can look so different without making "outrageous" changes.
