Saturday, January 11, 2014

Happy New Year

I have been thinking of New Year Resolutions for a while. I haven't been too strict about writing them down and planning things out, but there are definitely a few things I am working on. I am happy to report that I am taking strides.

Eat healthy! This is the year I want to get rid of processed foods. Jeff and I have talked about keeping sugar and treats out of the house. The kids', especially one of them, behavior seems very affected by the amount of sugar consumed. I'd also like to put the food on the table and say eat it or not, it's up to you. I think the kids are still a bit young for strict adherence to this one. And the same kid that seems so affected by sugar also won't eat to save her life but gets extremely moody when hungry. I also have goals to use table cloths and to not let anyone say what they don't like, but just to eat what they do and say thank you.

Organize my house! I have dreams of my closets and kids' rooms looking like the pictures in Pottery Barn kids. But in reality, those pictures have no kids or very little and unrealistic activity going on. And, I can't afford such fanciness. Right now, most of my storage containers consist of old diaper boxes wrapped in shelf lining paper I bought at the Dollar Store- genius right? But I am happy to say that this last week things feel like they are falling into place. I at least feel like I have places to keep the stuff when we do clean up and I have managed to pack away a lot of old, unused and/or broken stuff. I've also created a few "pretty" spots in my house. The kids are  getting old enough I feel safe bringing out some of my pretty things and I've made a few spots pretty and functional!

Stop worrying! I worry about everything. And then I worry about worrying. And worry how worrying effects my health. And how my health and worrying effect my children and the energy in my house. Then I worry about my whole role as mother and if I'm doing anything right and that of course leads to my eternal salvation! Aye! Things have been tough lately in several ways. But somehow things work out. People help and we are provided for. I will keep praying, keep breathing, and have faith. One day at a time. I'm learning how to do that.

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