Thursday, January 26, 2012

More Sleep Tales

Last night Caius was worn out by 6 o'clock. He usually is and I've had a particularly hard time getting him to take an afternoon nap lately so that doesn't help. I try to get him to stay up closer to 7 but the truth is, I'm so tired by that time of day and just craving a moment to myself (I feel guilty saying that) that I'm often anxious to get the kids to bed. So Caius was in bed before 7.
He was up twice by 7:15.
So, I kept him up for a while. I knew he was tired but I'm trying this week to follow his lead a bit just to see what he will do, see if it helps me figure any of this sleeping stuff out. I put both kids to bed by 8:15. Caius was up again by 9:15.
This is the point I start to worry. Is something hurting him? Is he EVER going to sleep? Will the whole night be like this? I tried to stay calm. Jeff was getting ready for work by now so I got Caius up again when he didn't seem to want to go back to sleep. After Jeff left, I nursed Caius some more (I was getting sore by now and was afraid his little tummy would be so full he'd hurt but he kept wanting it!). He still didn't go to sleep. Finally I lay him on my bed and rubbed his belly (surprisingly he held still- he really was tired!) and he finally went to sleep. I decided to try sleeping with him, something I've been afraid to do with him but did all the time with Rayne. I prayed about it then got up to brush my teeth and the poor little guy woke up AGAIN! I finished my stuff and took him into his crib and he was out pretty fast. It was after 10 by now.
But guess what! He slept until almost 2! That means I had almost 3 hours of sleep and if felt wonderful! Rayne got up first and Caius soon after. So, I took Caius into Rayne's bed and fed him while they both went back to sleep.
And guess what!? He slept until 5:30! That's another 3 hour block for me! I felt amazing! I fed him again and went back to sleep until Rayne had me up at 6:30. Thankfully, she let me sleep in my bed while she watched Super Why until Caius got up about 7.
It felt like a really good night after the rough start. It wasn't really so rough on me, I tried to stay calm and go with it. But poor little Caius!
Today he napped about 10 but for less than an hour. That's typical but I thought he'd sleep more because he was quite tired. Then we tried for a nap at 2, 3, 4:30 and he finally crashed at 5:30. Kind of late for a nap but I thought maybe if he's up later again, it will work again? He napped less than an hour. I got Rayne to bed before 8 (kind of early for her, but she NEEDS it!) and Caius has been playing with me since. Jeff is getting ready for work and I'm going to try to put Caius to bed. Perhaps will wait until Daddy leaves, but he's getting fussy.
I hope we sleep.

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