Holidays have become more and more important to me. I'm not sure why, I just know that they are something I really want to "do well" as a mom. The 4th of July is one of my favorites. I think it's important to eat hot dogs and drink Black Cherry soda and visit grandparents and see some sort of fireworks. I guess I'm working on the whole starting a tradition thing.

We didn't eat hot dogs, we ate deli sandwiches. But we did have potato salad and sit outside for a picnic. I think the best part of my day was playing outside with Rayne and Caius in Rayne's new little swimming pool.

Even Caius liked getting his feet wet, until Rayne pored water on him and he screamed. I scolded her for it, but I don't think she cared. She continued to make attempts through out the rest of our time outside.

Jeff found on the internet that Tooele high school was doing some kind of concert and fireworks. I figured we could get close enough to hear some music and see some fireworks without getting right in the crowd or scaring the kids. But, when we got there, there was nothing going on. Turns out it was done on Saturday, not Monday. So, not sure what else to do, I went in to Walmart and bought a few little fountains for us to set off in the driveway. I thought that Rayne is young enough just a few will be exciting and the more the night went on, the more it was obvious that I was the only one to really care.
I think Rayne liked what we did and I felt accomplished that at least we did something (I'm being positive so I won't explain that this really was an accomplishment).
Sounds like a really fun day, JoAnna! I love seeing Caius in that cute outfit you bought for Eddie!!