Well, he's not so little! He now weighs 14 pounds 4 ounces and is 23 1/2 inches long. When we went in for his follow up check up a couple days after coming home from the hospital, he had lost almost a pound from birth weight. The doctor was concerned but my milk was just coming in and so they had me come in the next day wanting to keep a close eye on things. The next day he had gained nearly a pound. The doctor thought perhaps the scale had been wrong but said there was nothing to worry about. Today when he saw him, the doctor said "he's chunked up well! Good job!" One of the first things the nurse said when he was born was a comment on how big he was. I love it! I called him a marshmallow the other day which isn't nice in grown up world but it's really cute and has kinda stuck in baby world. He's a snuggly, cuddly little guy and I just adore him!
A few posts ago, Ben commented on him looking like a warrior. When I read that, the primary song "Army of Heleman" came in my mind (I don't know if it's army or armies? And at the moment, I can't spell Helaman?). The lesson for women is always that it was the boys' mothers that taught them to be so brave and faithful. Now that I have a son, I think that is definitely something to aspire to. I call Caius my little warrior.
Caius is also my Prince Charming. I know that's a rather cliched nickname, but one day I called him that and it just felt so true. Perhaps Prince Charming isn't a romantic thing now. Perhaps he's my little man who's going to be my faithful, true, strong, protector of what is right. Besides all that, he has a really great smile that could charm the socks off of anyone.
Caius is a sweet, mellow baby. He has his times when he can really cry, but most the time I can fix it and he calms down fast. So far he smiles easily at people and seems quite happy most the time. I really have fallen in love with him. I love being a mom to a son!
This is so nice......you do fall in love with those sons from time to time.
ReplyDeletelove it!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is so much fun to read.